Tuesday, November 13, 2007


My position on the use of cell phones in cars is that they should be allowed in certain circumstances. It is proven that using cell phones increases the risk of getting in a wreck, but there are many things that also increase the chance of getting in a wreck that aren’t outlawed and never will be. These include eating, drinking, changing a CD, or riding with friends. Cell phones cannot be completely outlawed because they are necessary in emergency situations, and they also make life a lot easier.
Some people believe cell phones should have a device that makes them unavailable for use while driving, but this should not happen in case of emergency situations. However, I do think they should have a device that makes them unable to send text messages while driving. I do not know how they can be designed to tell whether someone is driving or a passenger, but this would definitely be beneficial to all drivers when it comes to safety.

Thesis: It would be unrealistic to completely outlaw the use of cell phones in cars, but they should only be allowed to be used in emergency situations because they increase the chances of getting in a wreck.


1. Cell phones must be able to work in cars in case of emergencies.
2. Cell phones increase the chances of being in a wreck, but it is the conversation that causes this, not the cell phone.
3. Other things increase the chance of getting in a wreck like eating or reading a map, but these are legal.
4. Cell phones should not be able to be used for texting while driving because this increases the chance of getting in a wreck more than talking on the phone.

Appeal to Audience

I will gain the trust of the audience by using logical reasoning that will be proven with statistics.


I am going to get statistics about using phones while driving from the library and credible online sources. I will also find statistics about other things that increase someone’s chances of getting in a wreck.


My audience is going to be anyone who uses a cell phone and can drive.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Cell Phones in Cars

The topic that is going to be discussed in our group is whether or not cell phones should be allowed to be used while driving a car. This topic is largely debatable and there will probably never be a solution that makes everyone happy. There are several sides to this argument. Some think there should be no restrictions on cell phone use in cars while others think they should be completely outlawed. It has been proven that driving while using a cell phone significantly increases the chances of someone being in an accident. Whether it is talking on a hand-held phone, a headset, or texting, the accident rate is much higher than it is for someone not on a phone. The one flaw in this research is that it is the conversations, not the actual holding of the phone, that cause the wrecks. Since this is the case, should riding with people in the car be considered illegal? After all, a driver usually has conversations with passengers. Making drivers ride without passengers is unrealistic, but talking on phones while driving is not. The 3 sides to this argument are whether cell phones should have no restricitons, have some restrictions, or be outlawed while driving completely.

The side I am taking in this argument is that cell phones should allowed but with some restrictions. Just from personal experiences, I don't think cell phones should be used for texting because it is difficult to text while driving. However, this would be almost impossible for a cop to regulate. The only way to do this is if phones have some kind of device that make them unable to text while driving. There has been talk about making cell phones not be able to work in cars, but this is unreasonable because they need to be available in the case of an emergency.